Fast affordable headphone measurements with SignalScope X and miniDSP EARS

Measuring your headphones and in-ear monitors just got a whole lot easier! If you have been looking for a convenient and affordable way to check the performance of your headphones or IEM’s, the combination of SignalScope’s Dual FFT Analyzer and miniDSP’s EARS calibrated headphone measurement system offers a great solution.

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Measure loudspeaker impedance with SignalScope X and DATS V2

This video shows how to measure loudspeaker impedance using SignalScope X and Dayton Audio’s DATS V2. It highlights SignalScope X’s MultiTool and Dual FFT Analyzer. First, the DATS V2 is configured and calibrated with its included 1kOhm resistor. Then, loudspeaker impedances can be measured and compared very quickly.

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A note about SignalScope X’s auto-renewable subscriptions

SignalScope for iOS was fortunate enough to be one of the relatively few apps that could be found in the iPhone App Store on its opening day in 2008. Since then we have received tremendous feedback and support from SignalScope users. This note is in part addressed to those long-time (and not-so-long-time users) who we would like to keep on board with us as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in acoustics-related analysis and measurement on iOS devices. I thought it would be worth taking some time to present some of the benefits of adapting a subscription-based software business model, at least in our case. In discussing these benefits, some of the challenges we have faced with […]

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