Pop those balloons with RoomScope 1.3

A common request for RoomScope has been to directly capture room impulse response (IR) data using impulsive noise sources, such as balloons or starter pistols. RoomScope 1.3 now supports both single-channel and dual-channel IR data acquisition.

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RoomScope and IOScope measure longer IRs and use 64-bit FFTs

RoomScope 1.2 and IOScope 2.3 arrived in the iOS App Store this week. Both apps now support impulse response measurements up to 16 seconds long and use double precision (64-bit) FFTs in their measurements.

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Faber Acoustical brings room acoustics to iOS with RoomScope

Faber Acoustical is pleased to announce the immediate availability of RoomScope for iOS on the App Store. RoomScope both measures and analyzes room impulse responses, calculating acoustical parameters such as reverberation time, early decay time, clarity and definition. Room acoustics parameters may even be calculated and displayed in whole or 1/3 octave frequency bands.

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