Faber Mac apps are all 64-bit, built for Yosemite


This week, all Faber apps for Mac OS received updates to improve their compatibility with Yosemite (Mac OS 10.10). Electroacoustics Toolbox 3.7, SignalScope Pro 3.7, SignalScope 3.7 and SignalSuite 4.7 are all 64-bit applications that have been built for Yosemite.

The Room Analyzer tool, available for in-app purchase in Electroacoustics Toolbox, now calculates room parameters in whole or 1/3-octave frequency bands from impulse response data that has been sampled at higher sample rates (88.2, 96, 176.4, and 192 kHz), in addition to sample rates of 44.1 and 48 kHz that were supported previously.

The Octave Analyzer tool, found in both Electroacoustics Toolbox and SignalScope Pro, also now supports the higher sample rates for real-time spectral analysis of input signals in whole or 1/3-octave frequency bands.

The Dual FFT Analyzer (only in Electroacoustics Toolbox) and FFT Analyzer tools now support additional dB vertical scale factors of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or 18 dB per division in the graphic display.

Various bugs and potential instabilities in each app have been corrected.

These new apps all require Mac OS version 10.7 or later.

Trial versions of each app may be downloaded from FaberAcoustical.com.

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